Monday, March 28, 2011

Daddy and Me

 Landon loves to watch basketball with daddy.  They snuggle well on the chair.
 Landon sure loves his daddy and I do too.
Landon even likes daddy's stinky stocking cap.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


Landon climbed in the bathtub today... 

I heard him throwing toys into the tub (which he does often) and pretty soon I didn't hear any more toys thudding against the tub.  Lo and behold it was because he didn't need to throw them anymore, he was in the tub with his toys!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

First Haircut


Landon is a big boy now.  He had his first haircut at 14 1/2 months on January 13th.  Grandma and Papa did a great job, but boy does he look grown up!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Blake --> Senior '11

What a fun day it was to share with Blake, Shannon, Jeff and Brooke.  It was a family affair to take Blake's pictures since he's not a natural 'smile for the camera' guy.  Shannon and Brooke kept him cracking up, and at times I was laughing so much I was forgetting to keep taking the pictures.  Jeff was the run-around man... getting Blake's three trucks, 1 tractor, and 4-wheeler where we wanted them.  For a guy who's not great at smiling for a camera - it was hard to narrow the pictures down, we had so many great ones.  So Blake's family has been working hard to narrow them down to 50, then 35 and again tonight they are narrowing them down further.....(I'm glad I gave THEM that job.)  I'm pretty sure Blake even enjoyed getting his pictures done....   I was impressed.

So even though there are a whole bunch of great pictures of Blake - I'm just adding these because I love, love, love that truck! The truck belongs Blake's grandpa, but Blake fixed it and just got it running.... maybe grandma and grandpa will let him keep it after all that work he put into it  :) 

Best Wishes to Blake! 
(And also his family for having to narrow pictures down again)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Flat Stanley for a visit

Flat Stanley visited our home and had so much fun playing with Landon, getting into his toy basket and trying to drive his car!

Eventually Landon and Stanley tuckered out for some ZZZs.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

More than Corn in Indiana?

It's harvest time!  The combines are out in the fields and the sun is shining a beautiful light.  Just perfect for pictures of my neighbors, who I just adore.  The kids were so good.  After a few minutes with me, they got to pick their poses.  Can you tell which ones they did?

And now for a advertisement.....Anyone interested in some fall pictures, contact me soon - - the colors are perfect!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Brave Souls

The kids became BRAVE one weekend at the lake.....

 They really enjoyed Kevan's jetski.... Trying to soak each other with the water tail was a big thing.

 See all the fish jumping around Trista?

Playing at the beach.....